
Information Technology Intake Forms


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  • Basecamp
    Specify name, email, dept, title & project(s)

  • Google Analytics (GA)
    Specify Site & Permissions (View or Edit)

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Conventions to follow.



To submit a request or report an issue related to SEO, please use the button above.

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AEM Brand Portal

Conventions to Follow

{ Site / Domain / Project }: { YY/MM/DD } { Concise summary of request - do what and where }


  1. 21/11/29 Unpublish Content on Home Page
  2. 21/10/28 Publish Content on CLP Face > Eyes
  3. 21/11/29 Replace files on Employee Resources > Medical Benefits
  4. 21/01/29 Add White Tea products to Fragrances CLP
  5. Salsify X Revlon: 21/03/27 Provide list of product data attributes
  6. 21/09/16 Add new banners to Home Page, PDP, CLP
  7. DSAR: 21/07/28 SFMC Delete user data

Deciding what to name your files and folders can be an important part of creating a cohesive file system. Websites, including, are not as flexible as most desktop computer systems when it comes to file naming. Poorly named files can, at best, be unwieldy and difficult for users to decipher, and at worst, make it impossible for people to access.

Here are examples of what to AVOID:

  1. Spaces - AVOID
    1. BAD: arden marketing presentation.pdf
    2. GOOD: arden_mktg_pres.pdf
  2. Periods in middle of name - AVOID
    1. BAD:
    2. GOOD: arden_mktg_pres.pdf
  3. Any character NOT a number, letter, dash or underscore - AVOID
    1. BAD: arden marketing’s presentation #1.pdf
    2. GOOD: arden_mktg_pres_01.pdf
  4. Long file names - AVOID
  5. Case sensitivity - AVOID
    1. BAD: arden marketing’s first presentation for October 2005 created by John Doe for the Marketing Group in New York.pdf
    2. GOOD: arden_mktg_pres_01.pdf

Underscores separate words for improved legibility. While many use underscores to separate words (arden_markeing.doc), you can use dashes for a similar effect (arden-marketing.doc). Whichever convention you choose, remember that consistency is valued in our highly mechanized and automated society.

Order Matters

When publishing files, whether PDF or Office documents, name your files with the LARGER numerical units to the left of the SMALLER numerical units.

Year is larger than Month which is larger than Day.

Compare these two lists.

Note that while both lists are sorted alphabetically, only the second list is sorted chronologically as well (YYYYMM).

This naming convention makes finding a specific edition or range of editions much easier. It is also a much easier system to use consistently.

Note in the first list, February 2004 actually precedes February 2003, because the February 2004 file name is abbreviated.

LIST 1 Sort LIST 2 Sort
April2003.pdf 201302.pdf
April2004.pdf 201303.pdf
Feb2004.pdf 201304.pdf
February2003.pdf 201305.pdf
December2003.pdf 201309.pdf
January2004.pdf 201310.pdf
March2003.pdf 201311.pdf
March2004.pdf 201312.pdf
May2003.pdf 201401.pdf
November2003.pdf 201402.pdf
October2003.pdf 201403.pdf

Question: I use spaces in file names and they work just fine so what's the problem?

Web servers are typically able to interpret and deliver file names with spaces. But this can cause confusion, as they may render the file name not with spaces, but with alternate characters. Also, other programs, such as email programs, can automatically turn a Web address into a link. When a Web address has a space, the program thinks the address has stopped and renders an incomplete hyperlink.

Question: I have loads of files named with spaces and special characters. What can I do?

There are many commercial and free programs (freeware) that simplify the renaming process. Bulk Rename Utility is such a program and is freely available for the Microsoft Windows platform.
Bulk Rename Until (Windowss)